Stargaze Network: How to add Stargaze-testnet to Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap and get test $STARS coin
What is Stargaze?
A layer one protocol for NFTs and decentralized social on Cosmos and beyond
- Website:
- Discord:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:
You can follow these steps in Google Chrome, Brave browser, or any other browser which supports wallet extension(Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap, etc).
1) Open Keplr wallet, right-click on it, and click on Inspect
This will open DevTools
2) On the DevTools
window, click on the Console
3) Copy the following code.
rpc: '',
rest: '',
chainId: 'elgafar-1',
chainName: 'Stargaze Testnet',
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'STARS',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ustars',
coinDecimals: 6,
coinGeckoId: 'stars',
coinImageUrl: '',
bip44: {
coinType: 118,
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: 'stars',
bech32PrefixAccPub: 'stars' + 'pub',
bech32PrefixValAddr: 'stars' + 'valoper',
bech32PrefixValPub: 'stars' + 'valoperpub',
bech32PrefixConsAddr: 'stars' + 'valcons',
bech32PrefixConsPub: 'stars' + 'valconspub',
currencies: [
coinDenom: 'STARS',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ustars',
coinDecimals: 6,
coinGeckoId: 'stars',
coinImageUrl: '',
feeCurrencies: [
coinDenom: 'STARS',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ustars',
coinDecimals: 6,
coinGeckoId: 'stargaze',
coinImageUrl: '',
coinType: 118,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 0.0,
average: 0.0,
high: 0.025,
features: ['stargate', 'ibc-transfer', 'no-legacy-stdTx'],
explorerUrlToTx: '{txHash}',
4) Paste the code in the Console
5) Press Enter
6) Click Approve
button on Keplr Wallet window.
7) Close Keplr Wallet and re-open it.
8) Click on the networks present at top of Keplr Wallet, scroll down, and select Stargaze Testnet
9) The wallet is ready and you can copy the address.
- To be updated…
- To be updated…
How to get $STARS on Stargaze Testnet
1. Visit the faucet channel on the Stargaze discord
2. Type the request message with your stars address
- example: $request stars1dxjcypw3xem77m7j3r5m9ck0luqjecnpcrw6xe